OpenCV 4.11.0
cv::ovis::WindowScene 类参考抽象类

#include <opencv2/ovis.hpp>

cv::ovis::WindowScene 的协作图


virtual ~WindowScene ()
virtual Rect2d createCameraEntity (const String &name, InputArray K, const Size &imsize, float zFar, InputArray tvec=noArray(), InputArray rot=noArray(), const Scalar &color=Scalar::all(1))=0
virtual void createEntity (const String &name, const String &meshname, InputArray tvec=noArray(), InputArray rot=noArray())=0
virtual void createLightEntity (const String &name, InputArray tvec=noArray(), InputArray rot=noArray(), const Scalar &diffuseColor=Scalar::all(1), const Scalar &specularColor=Scalar::all(1))=0
virtual void fixCameraYawAxis (bool useFixed, InputArray up=noArray())=0
virtual void getCameraPose (OutputArray R=noArray(), OutputArray tvec=noArray(), bool invert=false)=0
virtual void getCompositorTexture (const String &compname, const String &texname, OutputArray out, int mrtIndex=0)=0
virtual void getDepth (OutputArray depth)=0
virtual void getEntityAnimations (const String &name, std::vector< String > &out)=0
virtual void getEntityPose (const String &name, OutputArray R=noArray(), OutputArray tvec=noArray(), bool invert=false)=0
virtual void getEntityProperty (const String &name, int prop, OutputArray value)=0
virtual void getScreenshot (OutputArray frame)=0
virtual void playEntityAnimation (const String &name, const String &animname, bool loop=true)=0
virtual void removeEntity (const String &name)=0
virtual void setBackground (const Scalar &color)=0
virtual void setBackground (InputArray image)=0
virtual void setCameraIntrinsics (InputArray K, const Size &imsize, float zNear=-1, float zFar=-1)=0
virtual void setCameraLookAt (const String &target, InputArray offset=noArray())=0
virtual void setCameraPose (InputArray tvec=noArray(), InputArray rot=noArray(), bool invert=false)=0
virtual void setCompositors (const std::vector< String > &names)=0
virtual void setEntityLookAt (const String &origin, const String &target, InputArray offset=noArray())=0
virtual void setEntityPose (const String &name, InputArray tvec=noArray(), InputArray rot=noArray(), bool invert=false)=0
virtual void setEntityProperty (const String &name, int prop, const Scalar &value)=0
virtual void setEntityProperty (const String &name, int prop, const String &value, int subEntityIdx=-1)=0
virtual void stopEntityAnimation (const String &name, const String &animname)=0
virtual void 更新 (update) ()=0
virtual void updateEntityPose (const String &name, InputArray tvec=noArray(), InputArray rot=noArray())=0

详细描述 (Detailed Description)

一个3D视口及其关联场景 (A 3D viewport and the associated scene)

构造函数和析构函数文档 (Constructor & Destructor Documentation)

◆ ~WindowScene()

virtual cv::ovis::WindowScene::~WindowScene ( )
虚函数 (virtual)

成员函数文档 (Member Function Documentation)

◆ createCameraEntity()

virtual Rect2d cv::ovis::WindowScene::createCameraEntity ( const String & name (名称),
InputArray (输入数组) K (内参矩阵),
const Size & imsize (图像尺寸),
float (浮点数) zFar (远平面距离),
InputArray (输入数组) tvec = noArray(),
InputArray (输入数组) rot = noArray(),
const Scalar & color = Scalar::all(1) )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

可视化相机位置的便捷方法 (convenience method to visualize a camera position)

参数 (Parameters)
name (名称)实体名称 (entity name)
K (内参矩阵)内参矩阵 (intrinsic matrix)
imsize (图像尺寸)图像尺寸 (image size)
zFar (远平面距离)相机坐标系中的远平面 (far plane in camera coordinates)
tvec (平移向量)平移 (translation)
rot (旋转向量)Rodrigues 向量或3x3旋转矩阵 (Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix)
color (颜色)线条颜色 (line color)
返回值 (Returns)
远平面处视锥体的范围,左上角表示主点偏移 (the extents of the Frustum at far plane, where the top left corner denotes the principal point offset)
此函数的调用图 (Here is the call graph for this function)

◆ createEntity()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::createEntity ( const String & name (名称),
const String & meshname (网格名称),
InputArray (输入数组) tvec = noArray(),
InputArray (输入数组) rot = noArray() )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

在场景中放置一个网格实体 (place an entity of a mesh in the scene)

需要预先创建网格。可以通过例如 createPointCloudMesh 以编程方式创建,也可以将相应文件放置在资源位置。(the mesh needs to be created beforehand. Either programmatically by e.g. createPointCloudMesh or by placing the respective file in a resource location.)

参数 (Parameters)
name (名称)实体名称 (entity name)
meshname (网格名称)网格名称 (mesh name)
tvec (平移向量)平移 (translation)
rot (旋转向量)Rodrigues 向量或3x3旋转矩阵 (Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix)
参见 (See also)
addResourceLocation (添加资源位置)
此函数的调用图 (Here is the call graph for this function)

◆ createLightEntity()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::createLightEntity ( const String & name (名称),
InputArray (输入数组) tvec = noArray(),
InputArray (输入数组) rot = noArray(),
const Scalar & diffuseColor = Scalar::all(1),
const Scalar & specularColor = Scalar::all(1) )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

在场景中创建一个点光源 (creates a point light in the scene)

参数 (Parameters)
name (名称)实体名称 (entity name)
tvec (平移向量)平移 (translation)
rot (旋转向量)Rodrigues 向量或3x3旋转矩阵 (Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix)
diffuseColor (漫反射颜色)
specularColor (镜面反射颜色)
此函数的调用图 (Here is the call graph for this function)

◆ fixCameraYawAxis()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::fixCameraYawAxis ( bool (布尔值) useFixed (是否使用固定),
InputArray (输入数组) up = noArray() )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

强制“向上”轴保持固定的便捷方法 (convenience method to force the "up" axis to stay fixed)

适用于编程更改和 SCENE_INTERACTIVE (works with both programmatic changes and SCENE_INTERACTIVE)

参数 (Parameters)
useFixed (是否使用固定)是否强制使用固定的偏航轴 (whether to enforce the fixed yaw axis)
up (向上轴)要固定的轴 (the axis to be fixed)
此函数的调用图 (Here is the call graph for this function)

◆ getCameraPose()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::getCameraPose ( OutputArray (输出数组) R = noArray(),
OutputArray (输出数组) tvec = noArray(),
bool (布尔值) invert = false )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

检索当前相机姿态 (Retrieves the current camera pose)

参数 (Parameters)
R (旋转矩阵)3x3旋转矩阵 (3x3 rotation matrix)
tvec (平移向量)平移向量 (translation vector)
invert (反转)返回反向姿态 (return the inverted pose)
此函数的调用图 (Here is the call graph for this function)

◆ getCompositorTexture()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::getCompositorTexture ( const String & compname (合成器名称),
const String & texname (纹理名称),
OutputArray (输出数组) out (输出),
int (整数) mrtIndex = 0 )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

读取活动合成器的纹理 (read back the texture of an active compositor)

参数 (Parameters)
compname (合成器名称)合成器的名称 (name of the compositor)
texname (纹理名称)合成器内的纹理名称 (name of the texture inside the compositor)
mrtIndex (MRT索引)如果纹理是MRT,则指定附件 (if texture is a MRT, specifies the attachment)
out (输出)纹理内容 (the texture contents)

◆ getDepth()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::getDepth ( OutputArray (输出数组) depth (深度))
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

获取当前帧的深度。(get the depth for the current frame.)

返回以世界单位表示的每个像素到相机的距离 (return the per pixel distance to the camera in world units)

◆ getEntityAnimations()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::getEntityAnimations ( const String & name (名称),
std::vector< String > & out )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

获取可用实体动画列表 (get a list of available entity animations)

参数 (Parameters)
name (名称)实体名称 (entity name)
out (输出)动画名称 (the animation names)

◆ getEntityPose()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::getEntityPose ( const String & name (名称),
OutputArray (输出数组) R = noArray(),
OutputArray (输出数组) tvec = noArray(),
bool (布尔值) invert = false )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

检索实体的当前姿态 (Retrieves the current pose of an entity)

参数 (Parameters)
name (名称)实体名称 (entity name)
R (旋转矩阵)3x3旋转矩阵 (3x3 rotation matrix)
tvec (平移向量)平移向量 (translation vector)
invert (反转)返回反向姿态 (return the inverted pose)
此函数的调用图 (Here is the call graph for this function)

◆ getEntityProperty()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::getEntityProperty ( const String & name (名称),
int (整数) prop (属性),
OutputArray (输出数组) value )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

获取实体的属性 (get the property of an entity)

参数 (Parameters)
name (名称)实体名称 (entity name)
prop (属性)EntityProperty (实体属性)
value (值)值 (the value)

◆ getScreenshot()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::getScreenshot ( OutputArray (输出数组) frame (帧))
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

读取上次调用 waitKey 生成的图像 (read back the image generated by the last call to waitKey)

◆ playEntityAnimation()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::playEntityAnimation ( const String & name (名称),
const String & animname (动画名称),
bool (布尔值) loop = true )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

播放实体动画 (play entity animation)

参数 (Parameters)
name (名称)实体名称 (entity name)
animname (动画名称)动画名称 (animation name)
loop (循环)启用或禁用动画循环 (enable or disable animation loop)
参见 (See also)
getEntityAnimations (获取实体动画)

◆ removeEntity()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::removeEntity ( const String & name (名称))
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

从场景中移除实体 (remove an entity from the scene)

参数 (Parameters)
name (名称)实体名称 (entity name)

◆ setBackground() [1/2]

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::setBackground ( const Scalar & color (颜色))
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)


◆ setBackground() [2/2]

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::setBackground ( InputArray (输入数组) image (图像))
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)


参数 (Parameters)
image (图像)

◆ setCameraIntrinsics()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::setCameraIntrinsics ( InputArray (输入数组) K (内参矩阵),
const Size & imsize (图像尺寸),
float (浮点数) zNear = -1,
float (浮点数) zFar = -1 )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)


参数 (Parameters)
K (内参矩阵)内参矩阵或 noArray()。如果指定了 noArray(),则忽略imsize,并且可以分别设置zNear/zFar。
imsize (图像尺寸)图像尺寸 (image size)
zFar (远平面距离)远裁剪距离,或-1以保持当前值

◆ setCameraLookAt()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::setCameraLookAt ( const String & 目标,
InputArray (输入数组) offset = noArray() )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)


参数 (Parameters)
目标实体名称 (entity name)
此函数的调用图 (Here is the call graph for this function)

◆ setCameraPose()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::setCameraPose ( InputArray (输入数组) tvec = noArray(),
InputArray (输入数组) rot = noArray(),
bool (布尔值) invert = false )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)


参数 (Parameters)
tvec (平移向量)平移 (translation)
rot (旋转向量)Rodrigues 向量或3x3旋转矩阵 (Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix)
invert (反转)使用给定姿态的逆矩阵
此函数的调用图 (Here is the call graph for this function)

◆ setCompositors()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::setCompositors ( const std::vector< String > & 名称)
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)


通过这种方式,您可以添加失真或SSAO效果。这些效果本身必须在Ogre .compositor脚本中定义。

参数 (Parameters)
参见 (See also)
addResourceLocation (添加资源位置)

◆ setEntityLookAt()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::setEntityLookAt ( const String & 原点,
const String & 目标,
InputArray (输入数组) offset = noArray() )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)


参数 (Parameters)
此函数的调用图 (Here is the call graph for this function)

◆ setEntityPose()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::setEntityPose ( const String & name (名称),
InputArray (输入数组) tvec = noArray(),
InputArray (输入数组) rot = noArray(),
bool (布尔值) invert = false )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)


参数 (Parameters)
name (名称)实体名称
tvec (平移向量)平移 (translation)
rot (旋转向量)Rodrigues 向量或3x3旋转矩阵 (Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix)
invert (反转)使用给定姿态的逆矩阵
此函数的调用图 (Here is the call graph for this function)

◆ setEntityProperty() [1/2]

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::setEntityProperty ( const String & name (名称),
int (整数) prop (属性),
const Scalar & value )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)


◆ setEntityProperty() [2/2]

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::setEntityProperty ( const String & name (名称),
int (整数) prop (属性),
const String & value (值),
int (整数) subEntityIdx = -1 )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)


参数 (Parameters)
name (名称)实体名称 (entity name)
prop (属性)EntityProperty (实体属性)
value (值)值 (the value)

◆ stopEntityAnimation()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::stopEntityAnimation ( const String & name (名称),
const String & animname )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)


参数 (Parameters)
name (名称)实体名称
animname (动画名称)动画名称 (animation name)

◆ update()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::update ( )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)

渲染此窗口,但不交换缓冲区。由 ovis::waitKey 自动调用

◆ updateEntityPose()

virtual void cv::ovis::WindowScene::updateEntityPose ( const String & name (名称),
InputArray (输入数组) tvec = noArray(),
InputArray (输入数组) rot = noArray() )
纯虚函数 (pure virtual)


参数 (Parameters)
name (名称)实体名称 (entity name)
tvec (平移向量)平移 (translation)
rot (旋转向量)Rodrigues 向量或3x3旋转矩阵 (Rodrigues vector or 3x3 rotation matrix)
此函数的调用图 (Here is the call graph for this function)
